Saturday, September 8, 2007

How's Everyone Doing and What's Everyone Eating?

Hope everyone's week is going well. Or is it good? I never can get that one right! I'm doing OK, struggling with meal ideas and such. We went to Schoops for breakfast this AM~as we do every Sat. Not a treat we are willing to give up so we had to make it work. Denver omelets with Egg Beaters and FF cheese. Hash browns with no butter. Iced tea with Sweet and Low. I figured it to be about 6 points. I just had a Lean Cusine pizza and pretzels. We are also going to give up Diet Coke and Mt Dew. We have about 3 12 packs left in the garage and when they are gone that's it! I will still order it at restaurants and such but at home it's water or iced tea. We are going to run to Target later to buy a scale and probably grab Subway for dinner. We eat out WAAAAY too much on the weekends.

So what is everyone eating for breakfasts? Ideas?



Flabulous-n-Fabulous said...

Kraft Foods & all receipes are good places to get recipes, they give you the nutrition information.

Anonymous said...

For breakfast I eat...
egg beaters - sometimes plain, sometimes with onion and pepper - I bought frozen bags of diced up onion and pepper so you can just dump some in whenever you need some.
whole wheat toast with peanut butter, banana and honey - that will have to go with the SBD until phase 2
Oatmeal - there is a new brand, Simple Harvest, with lots of awesome additives - YUMM-O, another thing I'll have to give up until phase 2
I have to have some protein for breakfast or I'll be hungry an hour later. I found some granola bars that have almonds in them that aren't too bad, but again I have to X-it for phase 2