Thursday, September 6, 2007

You Can Say Potato...I say FRIES!!

Since my life has been spent either in the car or the hospital the last three days, I did the unthinkable! Yes, I stopped at Burger King. Actually I added up the points and I still have some left for today. Haven't even touched the flex points yet.
Any who..... I was asking Leenie if fries counted as a serving for vegetables. Potatoes are vegetables, right? I think a medium fry should count for 2 servings!!! And do not forget the healthy oil the fries are cooked in should count as an oil serving. Yes, I am in denial.


Jen said...

Potatoes are sugar my dear. Sorry. :-)

Anonymous said...

Although according to the SBD fries are better than a baked potato...unless you add butter and sour cream then the baked potato is better - I know, makes no since, right? It's something to do with the glucose in the potato mixing with the fat - makes it better...I didn't say good, but if you MUST have a potato - and that's ONLY a MUST then you need to eat fat with it!

Jen said...

Really? Cuz my staple last time was Wendy's chili on top of the plain baked potato. I know Tammy E lives on those too!

Anonymous said...

I realize it's probably been years since you actually READ the king's offerings, but about 20 years ago THEY ADDED SALAD to their menu!

Anonymous said...

There is just something really wrong ordering a salad at BK when you can have all the great stuff that comes in that also comes atop the great thing called the whopper.