Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Day 1

Well, it is the end of day 1 and I have a headache the size of Mount Rushmore!! It could have something to do with the fact that I spent 10 hours at school today.. But mostly because I haven't had any caffinated or regular pop. (My weakness) I didn't find myself too hungry today because I was mostly busy with school. I actually had a few points to spare also!!! Tommarrow will be the big test since I will be home most of the day. Oh, yeah and I start my hip-hop dance class tommarow...very excited!! Good luck to us all....I know we could do it with eachothers support.....lean on eachother! When the goin' gets rough, don't go a eatin!!!

Fab and Flab Forever....(ok maybe not forever!!)


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