Thursday, September 13, 2007

I'm not a looser!

While the rest of you might be loosers - I'm not!! I know you're not supposed to, but I stepped on the scale again today, not my weigh in day, and I am still not a looser! I figured since grandpa's might have thrown my weigh-in off last week I thought I'd see what all my hard work this week has done for me...not a damn thing! I've done really good too - I've walked 3 times this week, still have 28.5 of my "extra" points to use, I've made healthy choices...and it hasn't paid off! Anyone ever feel like it's never going to work? This sucks!


Anonymous said...

Maybe body is probably getting used to all those fert meds. Don't stress--we'll discuss more tonight over some bread pudding:)

Anonymous said...

Don't give up. You'll probably have a good week coming up. Sometimes you don't lose anything for a few weeks, and then BAM!-you're down 7 pounds!
Have fun tonight!